What is the Church of the Octahedral?

The Church of the Octahedral is a pseudo-religious organization founded by Earth's Celestial Shepard, dedicated to the belief in preserving the integrity of integral beings of to the continuous nature of Earth and its adjacent planets as well as the encouragment of war against authoritatian structures such as organized religions (including improper teachings of Cletanist ideas) and cultural gender norms (save for rare entites of cosmic significance). It is our belief that humanity has far too long wasted its time on preserving its own existence when humanity's fate only lies within the hands of a chosen few. It is our belief that, save for the cosmically significant, it is the greatest sin- the only sin, even - to deny's one's self the pleasures of carnal desire and gluttony, to waste one's few fleeting moments of existence in servitude of beings other than one's self.

What Is The Church's Purpose?

The Church of the Octahedral has two factions. Active members, and passive members. There are roughly 100 active members and 300 passive members across across the globe. It is the job of the passive member to reject the crippling, dibbilitating nature of every day life, and revert back to their more carnal, animal instinct. While this language may draw to line imagery of decay, destruction, and aniahlation, many of our members have found themselves creating wonderful forms of artwork.

It is the goal of the active members, however, to ensure the continuous existence (and thriving) of the cosmically significant. Stationed in key areas, it is our goal to infiltrate the lives of the modern man and guide the cosmically significant down to their prophectic path of enlightenment so that they have the ability to ensure the continued nature of our existence.

What is the Octahedral?

While its nature is impossible for us as mere mortals to truly comprehend, the Octahedral (which can be interchangably referred to as "The Stallated Octangula" or "The Stella Octangula) is a semi-conscuis entity born from the collective conscuisness of a destroyed civilization. While it is the goal of the Active members of the Stella Octangula to ensure that this day not come to pass, should we fail, however, it shall be us, as the Celestial Shepard's followers, who coalaesce into the Stella Octangula before drifting off into the cosmos or reformation within the shell of Earth's Last Son should the safe passage ritual be commenced.

"It is important... very important, indeed, that our time, our very futile time remaining on this Earth needn't be wasted. Every day, maybe a twice day, someone may ask me: Why? We speak of love, and yet to many non-believers, all we know is destruction and hate. Suck weak minds... But we cannot blame them. Cannot hate them. In due time, they will understand, and they will sympathize. They, too, shall see our visions. The goddess shall guide them, as well." -008, Earth's Celestial Shepard

Are We Related To Cletanism?

Depending on one's defenition of Cletanism, yes. But it is important to recognize that the vast majorify of Cletanists are highly ascetic creatures, that while seeing more than the average man, they lack the ability to comprehend. To interpret. We do not welcome the end in open arms, nor do we view it as a punishment for the lesser creatures within our planet. It is a simple inevitability. As good or evil as a bear near a lake, eating and maming fish. It is simply nature. A nature that in denying, we deny ourselves the fundamentals of our existence. Our own humanity becomes an unattainable abstraction under Cletanism. This, we cannot allow. Despite our objections against their way of life, we recgonize the significance of the eight embodiements of the multiverse's will.