Over the years, the Church of the Octahedral has managed to amass a large amount of credible information on the identites of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Conquest - Rodentia

The easiest of the four to identify has been conquest, better known as the Rat King. The Rat King sees itself as a god, despite being a mere creature, a pawn, a simpleton. He is a king without a throne. It is believed that Rodentia will overtake the mind of a flawed and fallen angel, and that he will play a key role in orchestrating the end of days. It is said that Rodentia shall infiltrate the midst of man and god alike, and will sew deciet into their harts and minds.

Famine - ???

Little is known of famine. They are said to be a former Celestial Shepard, who witnessed the destruction of their world, and sold their soul to the Beast in exchange for the sparing of their family. They would go on to use her wisdom to drive entire civilizations into the ground, and weave their way into civilization for many years to come.

War - The Singularity

The only being born completely of The Beast, it was said that The Singularity was an imperfect, flawed abstraction of the human form, yet still... the only truly living creature the Beast was able to create... born by chance, born completely of entropy. The Beast hated it. This creature longed for a beautiful, perfect form which The Beast, disgusted by its offspring, starved it of. To keep it week. Docile. It is said that The Singularity destroyed its own face and crafted a new one from its remnants... Now, beautiful. Now, perfect. Now, able to walk among man.

Death - ???

Not to be mistaken for the embodiement of death, Mori, death is a construct born from the agony of a lost world, latching itself onto a remaining survivor. At the end of days, it will be death who put up the chairs, turn off the lights, and lock the doors behind it when it leaves. And then... it will begin the cycle again. And again. And again.