Who Is Earth's Celestial Messiah?

Each celestial body with sentient life within the multiverse has two beings, Celestial Shepards, and Celesial Messiahs. The Celestial Shepards are shwon visions of their world's endtimes, and are tasked with guiding civilization to its salvation, to preparing the select few beings who will save the world, to removing the select few who will doom it, it is the job of the Shepard and the active members of his Church to, at the very least, prepare humanity for its end times. Earth's Celestial Messiah was previously believed to be Starman/Vincent Rostenkowski. However, due to recent see events (see: Calphecite bullet to the head), he is no longer the candidate we assumed he was. With very little words from 008 between Vincent's death and 008's, very little information as to the true Celestial Messiah of Earth remains.